Beatles Songs in the Key of G

Here is a whole list of Beatles songs in the key of G. Most of these songs will start with a G chord and probably also include C and D major chords as well. Keep in mind, E minor is the relative minor of G major, so expect to see some E and A minor chords. While you can find the tabs for all of these songs on Ultimate Guitar Tabs and a million other sites, if you…


How to Place Your Fingers on a Guitar

When learning, the first thing you want to master is how to place your fingers on a guitar. Yes, it is hard at first but it will get easier. Trust me! Hold The Guitar Correctly This is definitely the first step. Find a comfortable chair or couch and have a seat. You want a chair that doesn't have arms on it. Place the guitar on your lap. The back of the guitar should be flat against your belly.…


Are Guitar Lessons Worth It

I have often heard young musicians ask, are guitar lessons worth it? My answer is always the same - Yes! Yes, they are absolutely worth it. Music is somewhat unique in that there seems to be a certain amount of pride in being able to claim you are self taught. I get it. Wow, he learned all of that on his own. He’s a genius! He’s a natural! And while he may be a genius and naturally talented,…


O Christmas Tree Ukulele Tab

Below is the O Christmas Tree Ukulele Tab for the melody of the song and a pdf download.Are It's that time of year again! It seems whether I intend to or not, when I pick up a uke around Christmas, I start playing those holiday favorites. Of course, I usually don't remember them correctly. So I spend a few weeks figuring them out, a week playing them correct and the rest of the year forgetting them. O Christmas…


How to Play the G Chord on Ukulele

In this post, you will learn how to the play G chord on ukulele. If you are new to strings instruments, the key is practice, practice, practice. The G chord is probably one of the first chords to learn. Incidentally, if you are a guitar player, your D chord is the uke's G Chord. Most Common G Chord Shape G Major Chord - Ukulele You'll notice we use the term G 'major' chord. This is the formal name…


A Minor Pentatonic Scale for Guitar

If you are going to play lead guitar in a rock band, you have to know the A minor pentatonic scale. I would go as far as saying, if you only knew one scale, it should be this one! Notes of the A Minor Pentatonic Scale Anyone who is up on their Latin understands that penta means five, therefor a pentatonic scale has only five notes. These notes are: A, C, D, E, G. Wow, that's it? Yes,…


The Six Best Second Instruments for a Guitarist

It happens. We get curious. We daydream. What if I played piano too? Do I want to be a beginner again? What are the best second instruments for a guitarist? Why should you learn a second instrument? First of all, learning your second instrument will be easier than your first. At least now you have a better idea of how music works. A second instrument can actually make you better at your first instrument. So whether you are…


The Worst Gig I Ever Had and What I Learned From It

Most of my gigs fall into one of these lineups: guitarist and singer for a blues band, lead guitarist for a rock band, guitarist and singer for an acoustic duo and rarely, a solo guitarist and singer. I am comfortable with all of these lineups except the last one. While my guitar skills are fine, my singing is, well, not as good as my guitar playing. Most of my solo gigs are basically accidents: the other guy forgot…


Is Guitar Difficult to Learn?

YES - the guitar is difficult to learn. While difficulty is a matter of opinion, compared to other instruments guitar is more difficult. But that does not mean it is not worth learning! What makes the guitar difficult to learn? There are a number of things that make the guitar difficult to learn when compared to other instruments. Here are they are: You are often playing more than one note. The ability to play more than one night…


C Chord Variations Guitar

Chances are, the first chord you learned on the guitar was C. There are a few reasons for that: the key of C has no sharps or flats, the open C chord only requires three fingers and you don't have to barre any frets. Below we'll look at 9 C chord variations for the guitar. Below is the open C chord in the first position. If you don't know this already, learn it now! Below is a five…